Processes That Help Define Custom Metal Fabrication, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the qualities that separate custom metal fabrication from standard meta fabrication. There are a wide range of fabrication methods out there for sheet metal and other types, but custom fabrication requires a few specific areas of knowledge and certification from manufacturers.

At Cypress Metals, we’re happy to offer a wide range of custom metal design options, from fabrication for many clients – including commercial contractors and their metal roofing and other needs – to laser cutting and several other areas. What are some of the other qualities that distinguish custom metal fabrication from other types, including certifications or skills you need your custom fabricator to have? Here are a few additional areas to keep in mind.

processes custom metal fabrication

Welding and Certifications

One of the key areas that helps separate custom fabrication from other types is welding. There are many fabricated products that must be welded to meet specific industry standards – in such cases, you need a manufacturer who has welding certifications and a proper quality control program.

A couple areas to ask about down these lines when discussing services with any custom metal fabricator like ours:

  • Adherence to American Welding Society (AWS) standards, or Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) standards for those ordering products within Canada.
  • Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) that conforms to ASME Section 9, plus welding practices that conform to API-650 standard.
  • Qualifications from the American Welding Society to weld structural steel per AWS D1.1.

Assembly Themes

In addition, custom metal fabrication often requires multiple assemblies and subassemblies as part of the process. Not only should this entire process be documented carefully, including images and even video in some cases, it should also be tested. Both assemblies and subassemblies should be tested together to confirm the final product has the required functionality.

Finishing Techniques and Shipping Themes

Finally, another major area here is the finishing process, which often extends the lifespan of fabricated metal products by years. There are a few different techniques we might utilize for finishing a metal fabrication:

  • Metal bead blasting: This process, or other forms of surface preparation, will allow paint or other coating to properly adhere to the surface of the metal.
  • Powder coating: For decorative finishes, such as railings or signs.
  • Custom painting and drying: Using controlled paint booths that allow for ideal hardening and dry times.
  • Hot-dip galvanization: A process that coats each part of the metal, including hidden nooks and crannies, to prevent moisture from entering the metal.

For more on what separates true custom metal fabrication from other metal fabrication methods, or to learn about any of our custom fabrication, laser cutting or related services, speak to the staff at Cypress Metals today.